Cast and Crew Photo

Cast and Crew Photo

Well we did it. We had to film a short (between 3 and 5 minutes) during the Easter break for our Single Camera Unit at Solent University.

A group of us, myself, Sergio, Jamal and Ria,  got together and came up with some ideas. We decided to go with Sergio’s idea and I developed it into a script.

Everything seemed to come to a halt then as we were really stuck finding a location that fit the script. Coming in to the holiday we were still without a location and cast. As Ria and Jamal are living in Southampton and myself and Sergio live on the Isle of Wight it was tricky to find somewhere that suited everyone.  While Ria and Jamal looked around Southampton, Sergio and I scoured the Island. We eventually got permission to film at Landguard Manor, Shanklin (a place I really wanted to use for the film, so was very happy when they said yes!) The only trouble was it didn’t really fit the original script of a bank robber; so I wrote a new one. It used basically the same concept as the original idea but it changed from a bank robbery to a burglary. We now had a new script, “Daylight Robbery”.

I am glad this happened because I think the second script is far superior to the first one. (Not that I’m saying either of them are very good you understand!)

Because we were filming on the Island it was easier to cast the film from the Island. I managed to get Tim, Dawn and Shane who all live locally and I even manged to talk Bonkers and Bill to come over for the day from Oxford. (It only cost me a cheese and Pickle sandwich; an over-payment some might say in relation to their acting skill*)

The day filming went really well. Sergio and Ria filmed, Jamal captured sound and I directed. (and set the lights up) I think everyone enjoyed the day; and just hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. We even had a V.I.P. visit (my mum and dad; who made Jamal panic as he thought the were the real Lord and Lady of the Manor. (that would be that posh Yorkshire accent for you**)

Sergio has since been locked in his bedroom for hours, doing what all TV and Video Production students do in their bedroom… guessed it, Editing.  He showed me the rough cut that he has been working on and he has done a fantastic job, it looks great. There are a couple of tweaks to do before going back to Uni on Monday, but they should be done just in time for David (our Lecturer) to tear it to shreds. Oh well, I like it.

As soon as it is available I will upload it for all to view.


*This was said as a joke and in no way a reflection of Bonkers’ Keith Richards impression in the interview section! (Love you Bonkers)

**Their Yorkshire accent isn’t in anyway posh; not as posh as mine anyway. (Love you Mum and Dad)